Prior to your reading Janelle will meditate with Spirit and her guides to create an intention to connect with your Spirit people to create a positive and healing connection.
She encourages them to bring evidence of who they are, fond memories and a sense of humour as the intention is to be healing after all. She uses her abilities of claircognizance (knowing), clairvoyance (seeing) and feeling (clairsentient) to make the connection and invite your loved one/s to join in and work together to channel evidential information so you will know who the connection is with.
Who comes through in your session is entirely up to the Divine and your Spirit people as
they know best, your Medium is simply the translator.
Readings begin in a psychic space channeling with Angel and Oracle cards, allowing time
and space for your Spirit people to make a good connection. Spirit works uniquely with every Medium using references that Janelle understands and at times, messages may come through in a metaphorical way. It is not uncommon for your Spirit people to talk about your family and often these pieces of information may also relate to you as well.
If you are wishing to connect to a particular person in Spirit and they have not come through by halfway through the reading you are welcome to mention this and if appropriate, Janelle may invite them to join however please keep in mind that it is entirely up to your Spirit people if they choose to connect. Unfortunately, this request cannot be granted when your session is about to conclude as it is neither appropriate or respectful to
‘cut off’ a connection early.
Sometimes a Medium’s voice, demeanor or gestures can change during a link as they can be influenced by your Spirit people, this is a special experience and often the Medium won’t realise until after it’s happened. This is a safe influence as ultimately the Medium is always in control. Health and legal advice is not included in the reading for the benefit of all involved.
After your Spirit person has connected, please feel free to ask questions. If there is time left at the conclusion of the reading, you will be invited to choose some oracle cards for Angel or intuitive guidance around where you are currently at and what your potential future may include. Janelle is always happy to answer questions about the Spirit World, the transition process of people crossing over as well as providing guidance with your own possible psychic and/or mediumship abilities.
The ideal time for a reading after a loved one has passed is generally six months allowing them time to navigate the process of their Life Review. Connections for those who have unexpectedly passed away or have passed through suicide can take a little longer as their Life Review and healing process is likely to be more involved.
Ideally, the best connection in a reading comes with the recipient having an open mind and thoughts of who you may like to come through in your connection as this can help facilitate a stronger connection to Spirit and the recipient is likely to receive more information as your Spirit people will find it easier to work with both of us on an energetic level, especially if it is coming from a loving space.
As an understanding Empath, Janelle loves to work with sensitive people who benefit from a compassionate reading with a gentle approach. The purpose of your reading is to help you heal and grow emotionally and spiritually in a fulfilling way.